Thursday, March 3, 2011

Too Funny To Not Post

My sister just posted this gem on her blog and I stole it so that you can also enjoy the ridiculousness that pervades at Stratton family gatherings! (As this pushed my morning sickness over the edge, I never did get to see the end results of this competition. I was outside throwing up.)


  1. So does this mean #4 is on the way!??! And since you warned I didn't actually watch. Lol my morning sickness lasts all 9 months, and just that freeze frame made my peach crisp get questionable :)

  2. CLARIFICATION!!!!! i am NOT pregnant! sorry, this was from a year and a half ago when i was pregnant with keelian!! :) sorry for the confusion!

  3. Oh this makes me miss your family so much; I don't know if you know this but I named our second daugther after your sister Sharlee. I don't know if your mom spelled her name like that but that is what we did with hers. Miss you! love u

  4. OH DEAR GOODNESS! I cannot believe he can fit that many!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Looks like something we would do too! Silly contests. But 37 is crazy!

  7. ha ha! i'm glad you enjoyed it- it makes me laugh. you cab steal my videos anytime - i think more people watched it off your blog than mine anyway!

  8. *that's CAN, not cab...i struggle with one-handed typing while nursing, obviously
